Roughly 12% of the world’s population maintains fish as pets with only dogs and cats ahead of them in terms of popularity. However, due to numerous surveys and experimental psychological studies, fish is becoming more and more popular as a pet today. The benefits are far too many. In fact, only about 16% out of the global percentage of fish owners claim to have problems with their fish. So let’s look at the reasons as to why fish are so popular.

1. They are Healthy!

As mentioned, recent times’ surveys have established that keeping fish in your vicinity has numerous health benefits. Which is why you often see aquariums in doctors’ waiting rooms and so on.  Essentially, there are 2 prime benefits viz.

  1. Stress relief: Maybe it’s in our primal nature that we find water soothing. Surveys have proved that there’s an average of a 12% decrease in a patient’s anxiety level just by looking at an aquarium. When your mind is at ease, your blood pressure and heart rate automatically stabilise, thus keeping your body at ease. So having an aquarium at home / office is an effective and at the same time, fun way to deal with stress.
  2. Alzheimer’s: As of December, 2015,  researchers at Purdue University have found that displaying tanks of brightly colored fish may abate disruptive behaviors and improve eating habits of people with the disease of Alzheimer’s dementia.

2. Improves sleep pattern

Keeping an aquarium has shown to improve an average man’s sleeping pattern by relaxing the mind. We humans have a natural and inborn inclination towards water. By keeping an aquarium as natural as possible the negative emotions are eliminated helping you to fall asleep sooner and better. It also has been proven to help children build their concentration by virtue of observing the constant motion of the fish.

3. Educational purposes

Keeping a dog or a cat is often quite time consuming and messy. If you want your children to learn the essential principles of responsibility, discipline, respect nature’s beautiful biodiversity, as well as improve their creativity buying an aquarium is a prudent choice. In the early years of a child, you can use your aquarium to teach your children to count and recognise colours. And maintaining fish is simple, even for children. Boredom is often eliminated for children when they interact, or even observe the hypnotic beauty of their movement.

4. Mental gratification

Our scaly little friends are often excellent stress busters. Not only that, being wonderful conversation starters, they quickly become centres of attention and about 34% of households claim that keeping fish is a very rewarding activity. That figure is the highest among all pets. In today’s hectic lifestyle, keeping an aquarium would make it easy for us to reconnect with nature.

5. Noiseless wonders

Ever woken up at night listening to your dog barking at seemingly nothing? Well, that’s a problem aquarium owners will never face. Because fishes are the silent wonders of nature. If you have infants in the house, fish are the perfect pets.

6. Spatially economical

The costs of living are ever-growing and most other pets require free area for movement and enjoyment. For fish however, you can buy an appropriately sized aquarium (depending the amount of space you can dedicate to it), and provide them with playmates! All you would need is a shelf with a plane surface to place it on, and maybe a tiny drawer or cupboard to store all the accessories like fish food, cleaning sieves, test kits et cetera. We do suggest to abstaining from fish bowls (5 litres) as they really aren’t suitable for them. A tank is best advised. Anyways, we recommend going in for atleast 40 litres tank.

7. Inexpensive advantages

According to a reports, a small dog’s maintenance inevitably comes to around to ₹1,00,000, whereas the same of a fish comes to around ₹5,000-10,000. The statistics make it clear that fish are inexpensive companions, as you don’t need to buy chew toys or rugs for their entertainment and comfort.

8. Bare amounts of maintenance

A fish is by far the most independent pet you can have. They don’t need specific times periods allotted for physical exercise, they don’t need to be groomed and so on. All you really need to do is split 10 minutes of your day into sections of 5 minutes two times a day to feed them and change their water every week depending on the fish. 

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