Category Archives: Fishkeeping

Everyday chemicals that can kill your fish

Be well acquainted with the hazardous outside sources of problems for your fish. If you’ve


Top 10 Aquarium Don’ts

Abide by these "do not" and avoid getting wound up with unnecessary problems in the

Changing Aquarium Water

Conducting frequent and routine water change is the most effective way to prevent and treat


Aquarium Maintenance

Everything needs maintenance. Maintaining an aquarium becomes very easy if you are well acquainted with


What makes a fish beginner friendly?

Understand the factors that will help you you judge if a fish is beginner friendly

Learn About Aquarium Basics in JUST 5 Minutes

A successful aquarium contains a properly selected assembly of products & equipments which work in


What aquarium tank size should I get?

Choosing the suitable aquarium tank size can be confusing. It all boils down to -

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8 Benefits You Didn’t Know About Fish Keeping

Numerous surveys and experimental psychological studies prove that aquarium fish is becoming more popular as