Do not ignore the importance of the size of a tank and never get fish bowls as they can cause many problems for you and your fish down the line and may result in stunt growth of your fish and they may even die prematurely.

Choosing the appropriate and suitable aquarium tank size can be confusing and it all boils down to the following factors that you need to consider before deciding to get your new scaly friends home.

1. Consider the space and location

You need to consider the space in your home/office. Having a humongous tank in a small home may cause issues down the line. A small 18-37 litres tank for betta will be ideal for you if you have space constraints. If you don’t have space constraints then sky’s the limit! You also need to consider the location where the tank will be kept. Make sure they’re not kept near windows and sunlight or other sources of constant heat and light as it will cause algae to grow which can become messy and be a potential hazard for your livestock.

2. Decide the amount of fish you want to keep

The amount of fish you want to keep is directly proportional to the tank size. Therefore, the more fishes you want to keep the larger your tank should be. Research on the type of fish and the number you want to keep and choose an aquarium tank accordingly.

3. Tank size differs according to the type of fish

The size of your tank would differ according to the type of fish as different species have different requirements and grow at different paces and into different sizes. You must ensure that there’s enough room for them to grow. Some fish generate a lot of waste and they’re going to need a bigger tank to make up for that. Putting a fish like goldfish or oscar in a small tank would not make sense as their growth will be stunted, and even worse, they may die prematurely. Having a small tank can may result to fluctuations in the water chemistry and lead your fish to death. 

Talk to a pet specialist or aquarist to know what kind of fish is right for you. As a rule of thumb you should set up your tank before buying your fish.

4. Consider your budget

The larger the tank and the more fishes it can habitat, the more will be the money spent. Plan a budget and weigh out your options accordingly. It doesn’t end there. You’re going to need various kinds of equipments for your tank such as a filter (and there are different types of filter), heater, lights, sand / substrate, plants, decorations. Further, you would also need fish food, water conditioners, test kits on a regular basis for the aquarium’s upkeep. It all depends on the size of your tank and the type of fish and you of course!

5. Bigger tanks are better

There is a misconception that a smaller tank is easier to maintain. Whereas, in a small tank it will be difficult to maintain the water chemistry and temperature stability. The larger a tank is, the more stable it is and the more stable it is, the happier are your fishes. In a larger tank, maintaining the water parameters would be easier. Unstable water parameters can kill your fish and destroy the eco-system. For example- in case of an ammonia spike, you will have time to react if you have a large tank and can take necessary action to combat the problem.

  • Fish in smaller tanks can become stressed.
  • Stunted growth in a small tank can cause internal organ failure.
  • Fishes may get aggressive due to stress and anxiety. Once they get aggressive it is difficult to revive their communal fish behaviour.


The bottom line is that the bigger the tank, the happier your fish will be as they need space to flourish, swim around and do their business. Choose a suitable aquarium tank size for you based on your budget, availability of space and the species of fish. After you get your tank, make sure they are placed in a suitable environment with no direct sunlight, sources of noise and heat.

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